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If yous have a cracked mirror, don't throw it away only yet! Yous can easily repair it using a standard windshield repair kit from your local auto supply store. Start by cleaning off the mirror to remove whatever dust and balance. Then, use the stabilizer strip then you can inject the resin adhesive and contain information technology. Afterward it dries, add another drop resin, cover information technology with a curing pic, and requite it an hour to cure. Peel off the curing film, scrape off the backlog resin, and polish the mirror with glass cleaner. It'll wait proficient as new!

  1. 1

    Clean the mirror with soap and warm water. Have a sponge or a clean cloth and soak information technology in warm h2o. Employ a drop of dish soap and work the sponge or cloth into a lather. Wipe the cracked area make clean to remove dirt and dust from the surface.[one]

    • Dirt, grit, and debris can affect how well the resin fills the crack, so be sure to clean the area well!
    • Remove any loose fragments of glass from the crack.
  2. 2

    Remove the agglutinative bankroll of the stabilizer pic. Have the clear stabilizer strip and locate the border of the adhesive backing. Use your fingertips to peel off the backing to expose the agglutinative.[ii]

    • Don't pare off the agglutinative backing until yous're ready to employ the picture.
    • Exist careful not to allow the flick to stick to itself or it may no longer be effective.


  3. 3

    Press the stabilizer motion-picture show over the fissure. Place a corner of the stabilizer film onto the mirror at the edge of the crack. Apply the flick over the crack by rolling it over the surface from the corner so no air gets trapped below the motion-picture show.[iii]

    • Avoid removing the motion-picture show and reapplying it or it could touch on how well it adheres and leave behind a sticky balance.

    Tip: If y'all can't cover the crack using ane stabilizer film, utilize more! Arrange the films so their edges are flush against each other and they cover the entire crack in the mirror.

  4. iv

    Utilize your fingers to smooth out the stabilizer film. Run your fingertips from i finish of the stabilizer film to the other. Work to push out any air bubbles that may be trapped beneath the film and create a tight seal over the crack.[4]

    • Brand sure at that place aren't any creases or bubbles in the film.


  1. 1

    Fill up the syringe with the epoxy resin agglutinative. The epoxy resin agglutinative comes with a plastic syringe. Push the plunger of the syringe so information technology's all the way down, so insert the syringe into the container of resin. Slowly pull the plunger to pull out the resin and fill the syringe.

    • You may need to cut the tip of the syringe with a pair of scissors in club to use it.
    • If the resin did non come with a syringe, you can find one at an auto supply shop, department store, or online.

    Tip: If yous have a glass repair kit that has resin in a container with an applicator tip, use that instead of a syringe.

  2. 2

    Insert the tip of the syringe through the stabilizer motion-picture show. Identify the tip of the syringe over the stabilizer film roughly at the center. Use gentle force per unit area to push the syringe through the film and into the cleft.

    • The tip of the syringe should be inside of the crack.
  3. three

    Push downwards the plunger to fill up the fissure with resin. Go on the syringe still and slowly button on the plunger. The resin will leave the syringe and fill the crack. The stabilizer flick volition go along the resin contained in the cleft.

    • Add a small amount of resin at a fourth dimension. If yous apply likewise much as well quickly it could form an uneven bulge under the picture show.
  4. iv

    Look xx minutes to allow the resin to harden. Afterwards you utilise the resin to the crack, slowly pull the tip of the syringe out of the stabilizer film. Leave the resin undisturbed for at least 10 minutes so it can kickoff to set and harden in the crack.[v]

    • Check the packaging of the resin adhesive for specific drying times.
    • Set an alert on your phone or clock for 20 minutes.


  1. i

    Peel off the stabilizer movie. Utilise your fingernails to pry up a corner of the stabilizer moving-picture show. Utilise 1 shine motion to gently remove the film past peeling it off.[six]

    • Don't use quick or jerky movements or you could tear off a section of the flick.
    • Use a razor bract to get underneath the film if you can't peel it off with your fingertips.
  2. 2

    Add a drop of the resin over the crack and comprehend it with the curing film. Employ the syringe to clasp out a pocket-sized drop of the resin adhesive over the freshly filled crack. Take the curing picture and press it over the crevice. The small drop of resin volition spread out under the film to cover the crack.[7]

    • Use your fingers or a razor bract to polish out the curing movie and remove any bubbles from below information technology.

    Tip: If you need to use more than i curing film to encompass the crack, add together a drop of resin for each picture show that you need to identify. Make sure you embrace the entire cleft!

  3. 3

    Look 1 60 minutes to allow the resin to cure. Leave the curing film completely undisturbed to permit the resin to fully ready and cure in the crevice.[eight]

    • Check the packaging of the resin for the specific curing time.
    • Aim a fan at the mirror to help it cure faster.
    • Set an alarm for an hour so you lot can be certain when the resin is done curing.
  4. iv

    Remove the curing film and scrape away the backlog resin. Pry upwardly a corner of the curing motion-picture show with your fingertips and gently skin it off. Effort to use 1 smooth, fluid motion so the strip comes off cleanly. Take a razor blade or a utility knife and gently scrape over the top of the crack to remove whatsoever excess resin.[9]

    • Exist conscientious not to scratch the resin of the glass of the mirror.
    • Angle the razor blade or utility pocketknife then it's parallel with the surface to run it over the crack evenly.
  5. 5

    Make clean the area with glass cleaner. Polish the repaired mirror by spraying some drinking glass cleaner over the entire surface. Apply a make clean cloth and rub the mirror in circular motions to buff information technology make clean.[10]

    • Don't saturate the mirror with drinking glass cleaner.
    • Y'all can discover glass cleaner at department stores and online.


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Things You'll Need

  • Glass repair kit with stabilizer film, resin agglutinative, syringe, and curing film
  • Razor blade or utility knife
  • Glass cleaner


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